Thursday, August 30, 2007


Isn’t it funny how we Angelinos take what we see on a daily basis for granted? I mean people travel across the world to come see "Hollywood" and to visit the "beach". It's pretty amazing how on a simple Saturday night in Hollywood for me can be a dream come true for someone else....taking pictures of all the celebrity stars and seeing the Wax Museum is fascinating to travelers. But when my girlfriends and I are wasted strolling along Hollywood blvd it doesn’t even faze us that we are stepping on all the stars. Maybe we'll rattle off all the names and quite possibly take a picture (haha Marie) but really.. we take it for granted.
My cousins came to visit from Canada and they were freaking out over palm trees!! WHAT??!
How about CARS in LA??? I'm sure there are places where you can go and never see an "expensive" car. Seeing a BMW or Mercedes would be rare and unheard of....well..In LA it's almost rare to see a car under 50K. Sad, but true! Yesterday after Melrose, Crystal and I were on a SERIOUS mission to find Cold Stones. We thought it would be simple to find…no way. We drove all around the city and ended up in Studio City…So when we parked there was an SLR (Mercedes) and seriously it’s disturbing that someone has a million dollars to throw down on a car!! Or how about all the neon Lamborghini’s driving up and down sunset!?? Are you kidding??
Well, needless to say that we definitely take these things for granted. When I see a flashy car I might say cool but I would never take a picture like most out of towners do…

1 comment:

Brandon said...

i may take the stars for granted but i certainly dont take the cars for granted! ;)


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