Tuesday, November 27, 2007


DETAILS mag states that KFED is a "good father". I mean sure, if you are comparing him to his worthless, bald, a rat can sing better than B spears...then yah, he may be a good father. KFed played his cards right. Pre kids everyone bashed Britney for dating the loser who already had a daughter with one on the way. the world adored Britney. she can do no harm. well...you take trash and mix it with booze and drugs and you get 2007's Miss Britney Spears. Bad skin, still can't sing, shows her Britney way too often, should remember she's a mother of two girl who needs to crawl under a rock. It's sad when KFed comes out on top. who would have thunk?

Kevin Federline, father of the year? Well, not quite, but Details magazine has deemed Britney Spears’ famous ex one of its “50 Most Influential Men under 45.”

To be specific, Federline, 29, is listed in the No. 7 slot as a “Good Father” alongside Larry Birkhead. Federline, a father of four to be exact, tells the magazine that “To be a father is… everything. It shows me how little I am.”

Little as he might be, his acting career is getting bigger, at least by Federline’s standards. One lament: “I’d actually like to play somebody other than a bad guy or an ass,” he tells Details.


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