so HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone had a great and safe New Year's!
Saturday we did nothing. was awesome.
Sunday we got ready and packed for good o'le San Diego. Brandon and I stayed at Kevin's. We went to downtown gaslamp and had a wonderful dinner at Flemming's. The food was delicious. I love date nights with Brandon. we have so much fun. BUT although we were at a fancy dinner with great food we couldn't stop thinking about what we were doing the next day. our nerves were killing us and we were so excited and scared at the same time. we went to bed so early but woke up around 3 and could not sleep....we were a few hours away from jumping out of a plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this has been something that I have wanted to do forever and Brandon made that happen on New years eve! what a great day to jump out of a plane! better yet what a GREAT way to bring in the New Year! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE So we call the place right when they open to see if it's windy or if it's good to go and they said it's a perfect day and if you guys want to come early it would be better. AHHHH! so Brandon made himself a few drinks and i could not sit still. we were dancing around the condo like crackheads trying to relax. nope, didn't happen. we finally left and while i was driving Brandon was drinking out of a flask. we have never been so nervous....We were saying our prayers and trying to not throw up on the way to the place. it felt like it took 2 minutes to get there. we pulled up and called everyone we knew to tell them that we loved them. so....we finally made our way up to the registration building and we had to watch a video and fill out a packet of paperwork that repeats over and over that if you die you can not sue. i must say it was very comforting. right...before we knew it we were in our gear and the plane started. we ran over to the plane and piled in. i seriously thought i was going to pass out. as soon as we hit a certain height my instructor told me to sit on his lap to buckle me in. this is the time where i almost started crying. i kissed Brandon and i cringed every time he strapped me in. they opened the plane door and everyone in the plane shook each others hand. ughhh i was so not prepared. there were three girls going in front of us and they looked at us and said bye and jumped out! I started screaming and started tearing up and did not want to jump. i kept looking at Brandon like what the F*** are we doing. so as soon as the girls went my guy started walking over to the feet weren't even touching the ground. My camera guy crawled out of the plane like freakin' spider man and my guy put me out of the plane while he was still holding on. i was screaming so loud. when my camera guy let go we let go and it was fucking crazy!!!!! i was screaming so loud and so hard. my throat still hurts. we jumped from 14,000 feet and you free fall for one minute. you fall 1,000 feet every five seconds. woo! so when he pulled the parachute i finally got to catch my breath. i asked where Brandon was cause he had jumped after me and he said he's right there. our instructors brought us right next to each other and we were talking in the sky. it was insane. the landing was perfect. as soon as he unhooked me i jumped on Brandon. EEEEEE we made it and we were alive!!!!!! i seriously think everyone should jump at least once. it's the most amazing, insane feeling in the world! as soon as it was over we wanted to go again. haha
well HAPPY NEW YEAR's to us! Brandon and i jumped out of a plane the last day of 2007! YEAH!!<--lil John Yeah!
so after the rush we got ready to PARTY!!!!! we got on the trolley and headed to Downtown SD. the streets were packed. it was so much fun. we found a bar and drank until the countdown. popped some balloons and headed back to the condo. we played some games....Kevin made pancakes...and it was time for bed. Brandon and I were so exhausted.
This was by far one of the best years and the greatest New Years!!!!!!!! cheers to another great year!

1 comment:
i still have dreams about what if, but the feeling of that door being open was enough for me! huge props to you both, brave souls =)
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