Tuesday, February 12, 2008

great article!

Another AMAZING article I came across:
"Honey, Mommy has cancer". This is so touching in many ways. I may not be four years old but I am going through something similar right now. being told a parent has cancer shatters your world. Most of us know where that leads and dont want to accept it. it's heartbreaking to hear. it's heartbraking to hear how scared they are. it hurts every part of you. When i found out I was so angry. angry because i couldn’t imagine what he was feeling and i didn’t want to know what was next. i was mad at the whole world. of course i was driving in the pouring rain. great setting. everyone around you says to stay positive but how? how can you "act" like it's all going to be ok. Cancer is an awful disease that has taken way too many people's lives..especially in my fam. i felt as if i couldn’t even move. thank god we caught it early enough so it could be removed. it's hard seeing a parent in the hospital suffering in pain. part of me wants to scream and break down and the other part wants to sleep until someone says "He's out of the hospital Brandi"! i know he'll be ok but it's a tough thing to go through. Parents are the center of every Childs universe and it's hard to grasp that it can all be taken away in a split second. It's hard to see someone battle cancer. it's hard to see a disease completely take over someone’s body. I love, love LOVE this article. made me smile. it's good to surround yourself with people who love and care for you and are willing to stick by you through the good and bad times. love you all!

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