my Dad is home!! ♥
the bf and i got new phones. (he finally caught up with technology and is now in the blackberry world. welcome baby!)
i took a dance class last night with toughcrowd and we l♥ved it! ((might be in a show soon :) EEEEE))
My brother's wedding is in 3 days! OMG! can't believe it!
i adore my bf more than anything!

Hope you all have a great hump day!
yayyyyyyyyy!! =) where do you get all your good quotes from? they rock. i'm so glad that your dad is home! i can't wait to see the pics from your bro's wedding!
Cheers to hump day! Welcome to the BB world. I'm completely...madly obsessed with mine. Don't ever take it away from me.
you two are so cute! Glad to hear your dad is home!
hey, thanks for the link, I've added you to my blog roll as well :]
then i came to the right place --i need phone advice bad--should i get a blackberry? im looking at the new 'tour' and it looks rad, is it semi easy to use and helpful when you are always on the go?
:) xx
I'm glad you're day is back, and I love how cute you and your bf is!
how lovely!!! wedding coming up, new awesome phone... it's just all happening isn't it? how you finding the blackberry? i was thinking of getting one. i use a hiptop/sidekick at the moment.
I love this pic, red lights rule. Happy hump day!!
i wanna dance to! love dancing. i suck at it- but i have such a great time! hope youre doing great!
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