*sunflowers are my fav! this pic makes me think of a sincere (i will never hurt you) apology. ♥
**had a shitty weekend. the only fun things were: girls dinner Friday night with Reyna. love her! the dance run thru show at CSUN on Sat. the dance studio was amazing! it was so weird being back there. is it weird that i miss school? I got to see the show and it's amazing! i am so happy to be a part of such a great thing. can't wait! I also got to see my little brother who i have mised so much! unfortunately we met at the hospital to visit my grandma but after we went to dinner with the fam and then he came over to my house and we hung out and watched a movie. love! after reading that i guess it could have been worse but i swear it felt like i sat around and cried for most of the weekend. hmmmm.
***M&M's. i bought two bags today for lunch and can't wait to eat them and then regret it.
****11 days until my Cancun, NY vaca! can't wait!
*****this amazing article-->why real men DO buy women flowers. thanks to my bestest Barham. (code name for Maryam lover face)
******my friend Julee got engaged this weekend and i am so happy for her!! congrats girly!! XOXO
Hope you all had a great weekend!!
sounds like a good weekend to me! especially the part about your upcoming trip!!! yay! :) have a good rest of your monday!
i always love the cute little pictures you find! :)
sounds like you had a fun weekend to me!! minus the crying :(
i hope our grandma is okay.
enjoy your m&m's hun!!
Sorry you had a bad weekend! I love that picture. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers! That's so exciting that you're going on vacation soon!
I love m&ms... I try only to buy the FUN SIZE packs, otherwise I eat the whole bag!!!
prayers for g'ma & get excited for your trip!
Happy Tuesday doll. xo
ohh cancun!! and nyc!!!! how fun i would be able to sleep at night if that was cominng! im sorry you had a sad weekend :( you can try and make up for it in nyc and cancun!! have fun!!!
Lovely shot!
I hope you are so fine now...my best wishes, alwaysss
Love the sunflower pic! I hope things get better for you.
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