OHMYLANTA!! what a week!! I have been sick since Monday and turns out i had bronchitis. WAHHHHHHHHHH it's seriously the worst! i don't wish that on anyone. UGH!
please bear with me as i am still trying to catch up on my posts...After Cancun Michael and I flew to NY. we had perfect weather our whole trip. i love NY and want to move there just for a year or two or three... ((dreamy)) so that Monday we went to the ACE awards and I got to see some of my favorite people which included-Erin Wasson, DVF, Marc Jacobs, Lady Gaga, Alexander Wang, Agyness and more. EEEEEEEE!!! (had to name drop, sorry..) ♥ I had so much fun with my coworkers! our NY Market was great and super busy. i loved every second of it! Steak dinners, strong martinis, long walks, shopping, funny limo rides, two pitchers of sangria = a great trip! btw-how hot are the Guess peeps?? ;)
enjoy the pics.....


| I hope you all have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ugh - only marc could pull off a kilt and still manage to look SO hot. it's a far cry from the way he looked about 4-5 years ago!!
looks like a blast!
im sorry you had bronchitis!! that sucks but lucky you it didnt happen during your trip, looks like you had so much fun!
So jealous that you got to see MJ!!!!
Great pictures. I hope you are feeling better!!
OMGG I hate you!! MJ is like... sooo dreammy, I'm def jelly :(
oooh looks like a fabulous time, glad you had so much fun!!
OH MY GAWD you met the man who designs my dream bags! What a lucky lady and I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip!
hey lovely lady!!
great photos!! you are gorgeous!!
sorry to hear you are sick :( feel better soon and have a fabulous weekend!
You really had fun! :) Great photos! I hope you are really well now.
it looks that you had great fun.
but i don't really like these bags.
awesome pics!
i hope you feel better =)
so exciting!!! you look amazing! that must have been a lot of fun.
love your photos, really lovley
visit my blog :)
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