i was in Mad house and we were she wolves, i was in My first dance (pics coming soon) and i was in Single ladies which was the last dance of the show. The crowd loved it! :)
thank you to all my friends and family who came out to see one of the three shows.
Thank you to my very special boyfriend who came to ALL three shows!
you're amazing.
you are so supportive and i am so happy to have you by my side.
thank you for being so good to me! i love you. so much.
The shows were insane! i had so much fun with all of the LA Unbound dancers. I am so thankful to be a part of such an amazing company! I have met some amazing people and i love that we all share the same passion. ♥
i was lucky enough to be a part of the LA Unbound 2011 calendar and it was so fun! they were for sale at the shows and it was so exciting to be in it. anddddd...The other Brandi and I are a day apart in April so we posed together and we are the month of April!! EEEE love it!
videos coming soon!

Awesome! And I love the shot of you guys in front of the marquee. Talk about amazing!
This show was absolutely spectacular! Anyone who knew about it and didnt see it sure missed out!
I think its so great how you have continued pursuing a passion you've had since you were so young. It may not seem like a big deal but think about how uncommon that is nowadays.
I will always be your biggest supporter!
Love you til then end.
Amazing! Dance is one thing I just love to watch! I wish I had stayed in dance when I was younger..
This makes me wish I stuck with dance.
Oh my goodness!!! You are gorgeous!!!! Congrats lady on your 1st dance!!!
you look amazing, brandi!!!! hope i get to see you soon!
Awesome pics, darling!
You are tremendous!
congrats...love your dance pics! XOXO
How exciting! You look absolutely amazing girl :)
omg, I can only imagine how spectacular the show was! the girls are all beautiful but I should say your smile stood out! :D
wow what a night!
I love the shoes that the performers are wearing,,, <3
wow soooo cool! you look fabulous up their on the stage...rock on dearie!
You look amazing! I wish I was in LA to see the show! You're completely fabulous! :-)
How COOL! You look so fabulous!
Looks like you were awesome!!! I love the jumping photo of you!
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