The Husband and I are on our way to Tahiti for our amazing honeymoon!!! Our wedding was magical! Posts to come in 2 weeks!
Thank you all for the amazing emails and comments! Our weekend was the very best and we couldn't be happier. Best day of our lives, 9/3/2011.
Be safe! Be Happy! talk to you in 2 weeks!!!!
congratulations!! you two look so happy <3
You guys look beyond happy! Congrats and have an incredible time!!
AHHH it finally happened! Congrats love! Have an amazing honeymoon.
Love Grace.
OMG congrats girl, you two were made for each other! Have a wonderful honeymoon!
congratulations! cute!!!
xoxo from rome
awesome dear!
congrats and i hope you have an amazing honeymoon <3
what a beautiful couple you are B and I would like to send all my love to you too! The most positive vibration from Brazil :DDD
love, always,
I feel like I've been following you for so long now... I remember wondering and leaving a comment asking if "it happened" and I've seen "it happen" and now.... the engagement has turned into a marriage! haha! You look so stunning and happy! I'm sorry I don't write much on here anymore or blog much, but have always loved reading and following you! Congrats Bsquared!
aw what cute snippets! have a fabulous honeymoon and congrats!!
Plein de bonnes choses à vous deux,
Tous mes voeux de bonheur !!!!
CONGRATULATIONS! That's so exciting. I wish you all the best together and hope you have an incredible honeymoon!
I took some time off from blogging to revamp my blog and move to a new site. Hope you'll check it out!
xo Ash
Congratulations! You look so happy!!! have fun!!
Adèle ♥
Lovely! congrats girl x
Congratulations!Lovely blog!Great pics!! :) Check out my blog and follow! I'll follow yours back! Feel free to leave a comment as well! http://thefollowersoffashion.blogspot.com/
Kisses! :D
so happy for you :)
I just got back from Austin and am catching back up on blogs...SO happy for you both!!! LOVE that oh so happy and excited picture of you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Liesl :)
congrats. you guys look so happy in your photos. it's a joy to see ;)
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