Boyfriend and I went to the farmers market on Sunday and I loved it! we went a little too late so everything was already picked through but i did buy two bundles of my favorite flowers. Sunflowers are so dreamy to me and I love the way they look in our home. we also bought some broccoli, asparagus and kittie grass. too bad our cats look at the grass like "that's supposed to taste good?" ha! our fatties love mashed potatoes so im not sure why we both thought they would like grass. hmmphh.
so, Brandon taught me how to drive stick shift last night. we actually had fun and i loved the way he coached me. his little comments like "baby i am so proud of you and baby this is so sexy" made me blush. love him. but you ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL know that. hehe
Hope you have a great humpity hump day!

i'm in love with you because you said "ricky bobby"....kittie grass...interesting.
i tried to drive stick in my guy friend's car and i think i broke his car...oopsies
You look sooo sweet in hat and flowers! amazing!!!
Awww...you look simply adorable in your fedora hat. I want to find one :)-
Happy hump day to you as well. Hehehe.
I have been asking my boyfriend to teach me how to drive stick shift for a long time. And I asked my ex before that. No one wants to teach me! I feel like it's something I really should know.
how fun!! those flowers look so fresh. learning stick shift was so scary for me, but the guys always know how to make it fun!! =)
I'm jealous...I've always wanted to learn how to drive a stick, but it's hard now that we live in a city where hardly anyone owns a car.
Congrats on learning to drive stick!
The sunflower is so pretty :)
the farmers market is so fun! congrats on learning to drive a stick. i think it's a lot of fun, except on hills. ugh! haha!
Love your hat and beautiful smile!I love too sunflowers,can t wait summer comes:)))
LOOL crazy cats!!!! And I looooove sunflowers as well :D
my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with ‘we leave it to you to decide’.
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