Dying to receive my Urban order.
Dying to paint my nails.
Dying to go to Coachella. Friday night only.
Dying to go to Mariah in Feb. ♥
Dying to work out again tonight even though i am so sore.
Dying that i have a sick, scary twin that copies everything i do. it's so awful. she wears the same things i do, makes the same things i do (or attempts to), and pretends to have the same kind of relationship as i do. gross!
Dying to DANCE this week!
Dying for my giveaway, guest post and feature in a book. :)
Dying for it to be 5.
Dying to tell you all about this FABULOUS giveaway!! Ambar and I teamed up to do a giveaway with one of my favorite rings! check out the giveaway HERE!!!! Ambar is such a sweetheart and i am so excited to work with her! XOXO
Hope you all have a great Tuesday!!

Bsquared at WillowSprings ♥
i'm dying for more of your corn bread smothered in honey butter.
2 words: water bed
just do it already...and film it :)
great post x
Amiable brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
Hav I told you that you're amazing?? Ok, cool.
2nd, wth is up with scary twin/copycat???? Shall we send her a list of lives to choose from, cause apparently she needs one.
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