Brandon and I rented a scooter and explored on our own. It was such a perfect day! I felt like we were in a cheesy romantic comedy laughing and driving around having zero clue where we were. and a fun fact for the day---I love me some cheesy romantic comedies! ;)
The island has one main road and you can go around in about 45 minutes. We rented the scooter for 7 hours, stopped at each hotel for a drink and to compare to ours (no joke the Sofitel is by far the best), ate amazing pizza at a local place, went up to Belvedere to see the incredible views, did some alcohol tastings at a juice factory, drove down roads where we were the only ones for miles, got lost, stopped off to take a thousand pics of everything, met the nicest people and fell in love all over again. It was a magical day. ♥ When we first arrived to the island our tour guide told us there are about 18 thousand people on the island (Babe is that right?) and only 20 cops. there is zero crime. I have never felt so safe in a place before. It was the best feeling to roam around and not worry about anything.
Here's a few pics. and by few i mean a shit load. It's hard to choose. and i left out about 700 from this day alone. geez louise...

sighhhh there is something about Brandon in a wedding ring that makes me melt. so hot!
Happy Thursday homies!!!! so happy the week is almost over!
Greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon pennsylvainia.I was just passing though and thought id say hello. Richard from Amish Stories.
well congratulations! you guys are such a cute couple! and what a TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME HONEYMOON! gah! it must have been incredible!!!
I love how much FUN you both have it is the best!!! Your pictures are wonderful, as always, and can I just tell you how much I adore that long dress you belted in the last couple are beautiful!
Liesl :)
ahh i'm loving all the cheesiness and loverly love. you two look so darn happy, as you should be. the pics make that place look like heaven.
what a lovely couple and adventurous too! thanks for visiting my blog the other day...i will return. your blog name is too cute!
wonderful pictures, dear! congratulations- you look so happy and pretty with your husband! amazing pics! thanks for your lovely words at my blog, but I can't see that you are following me. i'm following you now. follow back? if you can't see the member box, please press F5. it's a google problem. wish you two a wonderful weekend! with lots of love!
maren anita
Conratulation my dear :)
Fabulous pictures :)
Follow you now, maybe follow me back :)
new post♥mfashionfreak
Please follow me if you're not already. I'd love to get more followers. I'll follow you back.
Great blog!! Congr!!
Can you follow each other? I'm already doing it! :)
Oh wow! Looks like the most perfect honeymoon! Complete perfection! I hope your having the most amazing time ever!
Adèle Joanna
fun photos!
that sounds so so fun!!!! you guys are so cute, I'm loving all the pics :)
this looks amazing! thanks so much for the comment on my blog, i'm following you now! hope you will stop by again soon!
congratulations on your marriage! im gonna see all your latest posts now ;) to get a peek of your dress-hopefully.
such cute photos from the honeymoon. i wish you the best of luck together. and hope you had a great honeymoon
Looks like so much fun! <3
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