Here is a sneak peak in to our wedding rehearsal day! ♥ We started the day off by going to Calamigos Ranch to practice walking down. It was such an emotional morning. When we got to Calamigos with all of our favors, DIY decorations, pictures, name cards, etc etc... I was shaking. It was so surreal. Our bridal party and family were waiting for us and I was in shock. i think...craziest feeling ever! That night we had dinner at Cisco's in Westlake Village. We had our own room and it was amazing! Our bridal party gave the sweetest speeches, our parents made us feel so loved and seriously the love and support in the room was magical! ♥
here's a few pics from one of the best days of my life.

dress-unkown (sorrrrry), purse-grandma's, bouquet-courtesy of my sister-in-law from my Bridal showers, glasses-forever 21, flats-tieks (gifted from Marie)

Hours away from being Mr & Mrs Brandon Scarpelli

Practicing the rings!

Almost husband & wife

My beautiful Bridesmaids minus the Moh.
L-->R: Angelique (B's sis), Crystal (a bestie), Samantha (my sis in law), Gina (B's sis)

My amazing parents!

My brothers and sis in law
~Rehearsal dinner~

Brandon's grooms cake. (sorry I want to keep it private)
tank-gifted Victoria's Secret, skirt-H&M, bracelets-unknown, earrings-california Mart

My bro giving his speech

Opening B's Mom's amazing gifts. The must haves! :)

My parents making us cry

ok, since I was little (think 3ish) I had Rabbi. pronounced rabbee. He was my animal/ puppet thing that I needed at all times. I still have the original one and it's on our bed as we speak. He looks old and torn but i love him. My parents framed a new rabbi my mom bought when I was little and kept it for my wedding day. ♥

Meet new Rabbi

My older brother who hosted the speeches. He was amazing!!!! So much thanks to everyone!!!
That night Brandon and I said our goodbyes and we were off to separate rooms. It was so weird!!! I spent the night with a few of my maids (Maryam, Angelique and Crystal) and we had the funniest night. singing, looking for a store to grab champagne, getting lost, drinking champagne, more singing and falling asleep early. Such a perfect night!
have you heard this song???? this was our theme song for a few days... :)
I am such a lucky girl! and I can't wait to share more....
Awww, you look so happy and quite relaxed! ;)
Awesome pics!
You both look so happy :)
Congrats on your wedding, I just found your blog =) I got married on 2nd July 2011 so I understand how weird it is when it's all over after all the things you do before the wedding day ! I am happy in my life with my husband and I think about that day as the best day of my life ! I'd love to be blogger friends with you, if you want we can follow each other and keep in touch ! I am italian and live in Italy. Kisses
Fashion and Cookies
My Twitter
you look so happy. good luck.
Nice pics! So exciting!
great images! love your pink and red skirt!
hopefully everything will go well on the actual day!
so fun! I wanna get married soon :D
super cute dresses!!
very cute :) i love your outfits!
Would you believe that I looked at Calamigos Ranch as one of my possible wedding venues for next year?!? How FAB is that...they were SO nice there and it is a very charming area! Lovely!
Liesl :)
P.S. Love the Ferris Wheel they have there that was featured on "The Bachelor"...hehe! ;)
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