Happy list for a Happy Tuesday ♥
Here are a few things that make me smile, cry, laugh and sigh..
[smile] *staring at my husband when he has no idea. I love that man more than anything and I.simply.can.not.get.enough.
[smile] *practicing my new signature with my new last name. It still looks like scribble scrabble but I will get there.
[smile, cry, laugh and sigh] * listening to Rascal Flatts anything. anything. I can smile, live it up the way a single girl does
But what he, what he don't know Is how hard it is to make it look so Eeeeeeeeeeaaaaasy
[smile] *a hot cup of coffee. the smell, the taste..i love me some coffee.
[laugh] *running in the rain. i don't know why but i giggle like a kid at Disneyland. I love the rain, the smell, the cold. love!
[sigh] * shopping online, adding everything in to my shopping cart and dreaming about what it would be like to check out.
[smile, cry] *reading Kristian's blog has affected me more than I can explain. I've become a huge fan (slightly obsessed) of his and I am heartbroken. He is a fighter and I admire his strength. Cancer is terrifying and I'm sure we have all been affected by it one way or another. Most of you know how it hit close to home in my family and although it ripped us apart in a very negative way...I admire this Father's strength. (I will not go in to detail about the relationship I no longer have with my father on my blog. I hope you all understand). Kristian's children and his wife are everything to him. He is fighting for them. He is still their father. It makes me jealous in a way. Why do some people let their illness rip the family apart? I can't imagine what it is like to be dealt that deck of cards. i cant. and i can't speak on any one's behalf..but Kristian is a hero in my book. His family is so lucky to have him. To have him fight for them. He has inspired me and I will continue to pray for him and his precious family.
I hope you all have a happy Tuesday! spread the love and make sure to tell your friends and family you love them.
What a lovely list and such a great idea! I love Rascall Flatts and completely agree with you, and yes, shopping online is quite delightful as well! I am on my way to check out Kristian's blog right now...thank you for sharing, I love finding inspiration and strength through others!
Liesl :)
love you!! ♥
Very sweet post, darling!
Will do!
thanks for all your thoughts, and for sharing kristian's blog.
Great list! I like this feature! And I'm SO with you on the online shopping..totally do the same thing!
Thanks for sharing Kristian's blog...I couldn't read much for fear of turning into a bubbling mess for the rest of the day...but man, what an inspiration! I guess everyone reacts to illness differently. It's tragic when something terrible leads to more terrible things(ie. families breaking apart).
Thanks again for sharing B!
What a 'FANTASTIC' list you have here! To be part of it is quite the honor but to be your husband is the ultimate feeling!
[smile] Say what? When was this?
[smile] Don't rush it, we have our entire life ahead of us
[smile, cry, laugh and sigh] Although I don't get country music (i.e. "Tangle me up like grandma's yarn"), I support your new found love for it.
[smile] Totally with you on this one
[laugh] been there, done that
[sigh] I do the same thing for OUR Civic but one day, I WILL hit buy
[smile, cry] I just can't do it. The video he did was hard enough for me. Although we have no control how others deal with their deck of cards, all we can do is try, advise, listen and support. If that can't be excepted, we're out of options. As we well know, life has a funny way of working there are times when we are incapable of understanding why others make the choices they do.
Great post baby!
Love you til the end.
<3 i love YOU! =)
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