Tuesday, January 8, 2013

one thing.


I strongly believe in this statement! Although I love a good comfort zone from time to time and even a comfort meal. (fat kid ovahhh here). I need/ want/ love my life to be non stop. I want to constantly grow and learn and experience and love and meet all sorts of people. Even in my marriage I love new things. I hate being bored. I hate being in a rut. Some people prefer it. Not me. I think this statement can be challenging at times but if you open yourself up to new "scary" things you will soon learn they aren't so scary.



cecylia said...

wow what a challenge- but yes challenge accepted :D I love this- this takes us out of our comfort zone and reshapes us to become stronger and braver! Thanks for this!

Tiffany Kadani said...

My thoughts exactly!!!! I'm trying to do this every day this year.

Couture Carrie said...

Love it!



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