Mariah was absolutely AMAZING last night! This concert was so different than the last one i went to. it was more intimate and she talked a LOT! she didnt give a f**k and i loved it! everyone danced the whole time. her voice is INCREDIBLE and I am so thankful, happy, amazed, flabbergasted, shocked, surprised and so, so, so, SO lucky my brother took me! ♥ after the concert was over we slapped on our VIP passes and went down some hallways and waited for her to come in to the "lounge". she was doing a satellite interview with Oprah (i know, soooooo cool) so we waited and waited and...waited. finally the door opened and they told us to go in to her dressing room. it smelled amazing, there were cameras everywhere and there she was...OMG! she knew the guys i was with (including my brother--so crazy) so when i was introduced to her she gave me a hug! EEEEKKKK! so awesome. she was super sweet and i loved just hanging in the room talking to her. we met her tour manager, the stage manager, her stylist, Nick Cannon's dad, her brother and other VIP peeps. insane! i felt like i was dreaming. it was so insane that i got to analyze her and her ring!!! OMG talk about HUGE!! that thing was massive! so with that said...i walked away with a HUGANTIC smile and a memory that will last forever. (she does not "allow" anyone to take pics of her up close so i didnt get the chance to take any but it would have been weird since everyone in there worked with her or was fam) oh well...

side note--My brothers boss is friends, YES friends with Joshua Jackson. wtf? OHMYLANTA!!!!! ;)
Hope you all have a happy, happy hump day! thank you all for your sweet comments. i f**king love you guys!
85 Days until our trip! ♥
well as sad as I am that I wasnt able to experience that with you, I am beyond happy that a life long dream of yours has finally come true! Concert aside, money couldn't buy the access or experience YOU got. I'm very happy for you baby! Now hopefully I can meet Dale Jr. or Danica this weekend! :)
um. can we be best friends now? HOLY EFFING SANTA CLAUS SHIT that is amazing!!!!!!!! I'm so so jealous!
That is really cool! I also love Joshua Jackson :)
Marrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiaaaaaaahhhhh!!! Ohmigosh you hugged Mariah. So you're like the coolest person on the planet.
And Joshua still my heart. Do you know that I drew pictures of him when I was in the sixth grade? I convinced myself that I was going to marry him one day. Darn you, Diane Kruger! :)
OMG that's so awesome!!! I love Mariah!! And Joshua Jackson! That's craziness!!! Can I meet him too?? lol
What a great brother you have!
Love Grace.
that is so cool that you met mariah! i like her old songs better though, no offense.
thanks for dropping by!
you are soooo lucky meeting mariah/hugging mariah!
and those shoes are gorgeeeeee
what on earth does your brother do that you got to be all VIP up in there? Wow crazy!!
Is she totally a diva in person, or actually down-to-earth and nice? I used to really like her, but then she went all crazy & I lost a little of my mariah love. but still awesome that you met such a huge celebrity!!
So jealous you got to meet Mariah, you lucky gal.
Sounds like an amazing experience! You are so lucky!
It's nice to hear that she was sweet. She has such a reputation of being a diva that I'm sure a lot of people think she's bitchy.
i'm so glad you had fun at the concert and that is so awesome that you got to meet mariah carey!
oh & the joshua jackson thing is so crazy cool :D
Lucky girl! No one can hit those high notes quite like Mariah :D
that is awesome that you got to meet mariah! if only you got a picture with her too, but man that story is still great and glad to hear she wasn't too diva, haha.
Amagaaawww gurl.
I am so happy for you; and slightly jealous. She looks great and has the best voice.
You're so so lucky to have touched her! She seems quite kind, but it's a bummer you couldn't take photos with her. Por que!
Anyway, glad to read you had a great time.
SO LUCKY! I hope I can meet Taylor Swift when I see her in concert ahh!
ANd I love Mariah; she's always been herself--absolutely girly and adorable-- no matter what anyone thinks or says. So jealous you got to meet her!!
hehehe =) your stories and descriptions always make me smile =) so happy for you!
so cool! i saw in her in concert a few years ago and it was unbelievable! glad you had that awesome experience :)
amazing! sounds like you had a blast!
love your shoes!
how fun!!! and lady, you look SMOKING HOT!!! i love the bangs on you. wish mine looked that good...and mariah?! she seems so nice. glad you confirmed it.
"OHMYLANTA" haha :).
How exciting that you met her AND that you got a hug!
Your outfit is amazing. The dress fits you like a glove and I adore the open back.
Ahh! Amazingggg x 100! I'm kinda sorta super jealous ;)
such a cool lamé coat and sexy black dress!! You are amazing girl and so nice you went to see Mariah! Did you see her at the movie Precious?
I can t belive you met Mariah!!!She s on of my favorite singers and i love her.Lucky you:)
OH I love Mariah! She is amazing still to this day...I still remember being 10 and listening to Vision of Love! great pics!
OMGGGGGGGGG! That is so amazing for you love. A thrill of a lifetime you'll never forget. Thank you for sharing this with everyone.
you are darling... xo
haha you sound like you're in seventh heaven. what an adventure!
black is wonderful =)
woooo! mariah concert! looking good, im sure miss mariah would approve;)
xx raez
omg, that sounds AMAZING! isn't it fun meeting celebs? ;)
ps: love your outfit!
That's sooo cool that you got to meet someone you admire! And your brother seems to be very cool!!!
I love, love, LOVE your outtie!! :D
Kissies, XO
OMG you met Mariah Carey?!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's amazing!
u look lovely<3
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