i am so happy and can't wait to start the weekend with my dreamy boyfriend! ♥
B and I are having a low key US weekend and I couldn't be happier! bike riding, hiking, movies, making dinner and having US time is definitely our plans for this Valentines Day weekend! This will be our SEVENTH valentines day together. CRAZY! where did the time go? what happened to 1,2,3,4,5,6?? insane! He is truly the love of my life and I cant believe we are so in love after all these years. ♥
When i was a little girl the only Valentine's I would have were my Dad and step dad. i was lucky enough to have two. They would always get me flowers and give me cards letting me know that I was their Valentine's. Sorry mom's but i clearly won. hehe jk! Then comes Brandon. He came in to my life almost 7 years ago (again...read the "US" description to the side) and he's been my one and only Valentine ever since! (although he hasn't asked me yet to be his valentine!! ;)) sorry dad's! haha. I still get cards from the parentals and it always makes me smile! i can only hope that one day Brandon ditches me as a valentine for our daughter. ♥ i promise i wouldn't be jealous...ok maybe a little. ;) The best advice I can give for a long healthy relationship is to have fun and always be goofy with your lover! always. Read here for our perfect Valentines day!
I hope you all have a great weekend whether you are sharing it with the ones you love or are on the prowl for that special person.

I love it, your weekend sounds so great! Have a great v-day! :)
I'm now following you! Please come visit me!
WOOHOO I love being the first comment!
I cannot believe how fast time flies! I'm with you in wondering where years 1-6 went! I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart! Although I have loved every Valentine's Day with you, the past few years spending it at home, making dinner & dessert and enjoying each others company have been the best hands down! Couples really don't know what they're missing out on if they don't spend it this way! I can honestly say that I look forward to Valentine's Day because I know I have you as my Valentine forever! Love you til the end lifey!
Dammit Lovelyladyjb beat me to the 1st comment!
that is super sweeet!
have an awesome weekend!! i have hiking in my plans too :) have fun!! and i hope your dad is doing better, maybe its your turn to ask him to be your valentine that would be sweet :)
you guys are the cutest! happy v-day to you and brandon!
this is SUCH a cute post ... you guys seriously are the perfect couple! xo
My Dad used to always give me cards and flowers on Valentines Day too. Hope your weekend is fantastic!
aww u guys r so cute, I love Love too and have a perfect man that I married, we're lucky ladies! happy V day to u guys! xxx
Aww what a beautiful couple! You had a Happy Valentines day, I do not doubt!
aww so cute!!!!!
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