B and I were driving down Ventura blvd looking for a place to grab drinks. We both saw a crowd of people standing in a dark small parking lot and saw the
KOGI truck!!! We were both WAY too excited and B busted a biatch and we waited in an hour long line. it took foreeevvverrr but oh so worth it. they were
so good. THISGOOD! i got the sliders which were AMAZING and B got a burrito. the food was so yummy and so cheap. MMMMM... who knew this post would turn in to a Kogi review but if you see the truck you
MUST stop! :)

Brandon left the house at 4AM to head out to Button Willow. insaneinthemembrane. i cant wait to leave work and go meet him there. mini vaca! ♥
HAPPY FRIDAY! Hope you all have a great week! XOXO54 days until our Jamaica trip
OMG - i swear, one of the reasons why i want to visit cali is for the food! haha..that sounds SO fun! have a fabulous weekend, darling!
Mmmm you're making me so hungry just thinking about it! I love street food - cheap, greasy and delish!
Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend.
I actually could have went before with some friends, but it was late at night!
Now I regret it; I want me some fooddd rarghs
:) CA has the best food ever. :)
Have fun!!!
haha sounds amazing! so much fun :)
Sounds so good, have a nice weekend babe!
x Robine
Your boyf's tee is awesome!
insaneinthemembrane, lol i've never heard of the kogi but ill try it when i see it and i love the blue top you are wearing!
also i found this site and it made me think of you since you are such a cat lover,
color me katie
and i got offered a free tiny tiny kitty yesterday but i have 3 huge dogs i cant have a kitty :( have a great weekend
ahhh that sounds sooo good
I am glad you had some fun!!Love burritos!
B* a la Moda
Honestly, that's not fair - you've made me hungry now and I'm sooo far away from this place! x
Aw I need a vaca to Cali! Everything sounds yummy
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