if you're reading this, THANK YOU for looking at all my pics! seriously we have a ton more...my name is Brandi and i'm a picture whore. :) yes, some would say it was a problem but i say fuck it, let's document everything!!!!! HEHE
It's almost Friday! WOOOOO!
78 days until our Jamaica trip!!!
check out Bsquared HERE!!
you are adorable, im a picture whore as well there is nothign wrong with that, adn its fun to see your memories! lucky guy my bf would have loved to go somewhere like that that is really cool!!!
It looks like so much fun! I was once in a race in Long Beach,CA. It is a lot of fun!
B* a la Moda
That was the ultimate experience. Never once did I think my job would have led to any of the experiences its provided thus far. The good news is that its just beginning! There will be many more races and car events throughout 2010!
Looks fun! you are too pretty!
This looks like so much fun, and you two are adorable! My friend is into race cars and I know she'd flip to see this!
looks like youre having fun!
thanks for sharing
love the blog, keep it up
and thanks for the sweet comments, means the world
I can see how much fun you guys had from the big smiles on your faces. You are both so adorable!
that looks like some serious fun! haha :o)
oh it looks so much fun! and i'm so jeaous you're going to jamaica! awesome trip.
"Fuck it, let's document everything" hahah you crack me up! I agree ;)
sweet pics!
For everything about fashion:
So fun, darling!
Happy weekend!
Vegas and then Jamaica? wow!
You have fab style!
i like your blog!
www.skippinginheels.blogspot.com ♥
Can we toast to picture whores??? YAY!!!
Love these pictures, looks like you had an amazing day!
i love your sunglasses my dear =)
I have something for you on my blog ;-)
You're adorable <3 :)
Fantastic pics! It looks like you guys had so much fun, and you are too cute! Never been to a car race, sounds like a great experience!
Great pictures, looked like lots of fun!
You guys are seriously adorable!
Love Grace.
can i please tell you how PERFECT your shoes were for this event?? made my heart smile! loves it!
you're adorable in your vans & shell hat!
cute pics! :)
~ httpL//hellomisschic.blogspot.com
How fun! My friends go and I always wanted to go!
Hmm...this is FUN!
I would like to watch this race car with
Mr.Freddy. He's crazy with cars.
Hmm...this is FUN!
I would like to watch this race car with
Mr.Freddy. He's crazy with cars.
Hmm...this is FUN!
I would like to watch this race car with
Mr.Freddy. He's crazy with cars.
Hmm...this is FUN!
I would like to watch this race car with
Mr.Freddy. He's crazy with cars.
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