♥ leggings-sweater-headband-F21
♥ boots-unknown
♥ watch-Nixon
♥ bag-Marciano
Saturday we went to the Formula Drift competition. what is that you ask?? a car event. I went as B's wingman. :)
Sunday we went to the Nascar race and we had VIP seats. no literally. we're very important. We got a private tour through the garages and trailers. Me, B and our tour guide Judy. Shell hooked us up with Pit seats!! Thanks to Shell for giving us the access we had! we were sitting behind the pit crew on the pit box. INSANE!! The pit stops were insane. It's amazing that the crew can change all four tires, fuel up and fix things in 7 seconds!!! SEVEN! crazy. we were thankful enough to be a part of another race all thanks to Shell! the last race they sent us to was HERE.
After the race B booked us massages. SO NICE!! it was his thanks for the car filled weekend. he's so good to me. ♥

i was standing on the infield. crazy!

i hope you all had a great weekend!! time to start a new week! :)

You looked adorable and woo hoo for some VIP status! ;) This blog was too cute and funny...loved it!
Glad you had a FABULOUS time and yes, you are the best girlfriend ever! :)
Liesl :)
P.S. I recently bought some grey leggings and I like the way you wore yours!
i cant thank you enough for being with me all weekend! That is true love and support right there! I'm sure you noticed that you were the ONLY girlfriend that was there participating not just at one event, but at both! Hope you enjoyed yourself somewhat even though I know its not your passion.
Well I know you enjoyed 3 things...massage, frozen yogurt and SLEEP!
Love you til the end baby!
So beautiful!!
you def are a great g/f!! :)
not so much a fan of nascar but sushi, comedy and massages i love!
Awwww how cute! You are the coolest girlfriend. ;) I love these photos. You are adorable and I love your outfit! xo
cute pics!
i found your blod SO interesting and stylish
its great, really
its a big pleasure to read it and look at the photos
I follow you
it will be great if you folloow me too
So fun!
wow, looks so exciting! :)
i used to go to formula d too! so fun!
Great that you had a VIP status! Ik love your outfit and i am following you now!
K. Annet
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