Monday, January 7, 2013

Next stop-FLORENCE!

What a weekend...
Brandon and I are officially on to the next step in our crazy adventure. We are all moved out of our condo and in with my parents. Although this move is exciting and we can not wait for Italy (3 weeks!!!) it is so bittersweet to leave the place we have called home for the past 6 years. Our condo...Our home is where we have shared some of the most amazing memories. I will never forget moving in. It was the best feeling in the world! We got engaged where we are standing in the pics above. We planned our wedding in that living room.We have had countless themed parties and the yummiest dinners made by my husband. We have toasted to so many great things in our lives as individuals and as a couple. We have shared the best times with our family and friends in our home. We have made it such a cozy little home with our precious kitties. I have known since Feb 2012 that we would eventually be moving but it ALL hit me last night. After a long weekend of moving every single thing out and coming back one last time to get the hit us. This is it. We are leaving our home. We are moving across the world to make a new home. I have no doubt it will be just as great as this home but it's so crazy that the time is here. Brandon saved two beers for our last toast in our house. Cheers to our road ahead and an unknown world we are throwing ourselves in to. It was extremely emotional. We sat on the couch and reminisced. God that house was perfect. Cheers to a new life in a new home in a new country! gahhhh e v e r y single time I say/ write that it sounds unreal.

We are so thankful that my parents are letting us stay with them and store all of our stuff in their house. We really lucked out and are so grateful. We have some major clean up to do but we are so excited for family time for the next 3 weeks. :)

Last night our cats were monsters. I know they are so stressed and confused and have zero clue where they are. I wish so badly they understood us for like half.a.second. They went straight under the bed and we thought we'd sleep like babies...HA! as soon as the lights were off it was play time...for them. They made their way around every single spot in the room we are staying in. They growled and hissed at each other all night. They found every little thing that made noise and made sure to touch it/ smack it/ bite it. Are we being tested? It was so hard to get up this morning. We didn't sleep at all. lord only knows what they are doing now...

Cheers to night 2! ;)

We hope you all had a great weekend!



marie said...

I still get the chills!! so crazy exciting and amazing!! <3

Natalie said...

SUCH an exciting adventure!

Tiffany Kadani said...

So exciting! Oh my gosh! This is happening!!!

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

WOW!! What an adventure you're about to go on! Italy?! WHOA!

It's a little sad leaving your home, all the special memories, but very exciting at what your future holds (wow!).

Just found your blog today and now I gotta catch up! :P

Irela said...

Oh my goodness this post is so close to my heart (and even more so the one you linked, about moving in). I am moving out of my house for the first time in the upcoming months and I am so nervous...Your post made me happy about the possibilities of building my own experiences and creating memories ♥

Kym said...

It's so good to hear from you! We lost touch ever since i moved blogs!! Anyway, exciting that you will be starting a new chapter in the other side of the world... what a dream! I can't wait to hear more about your adventures there! :D


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