I cannot believe 2011 is over. O V E R! It flew by.
2011 was the best year of my life. I married my best friend! I have a husband! a Mr. a lifer!!! ♥
A few other amazing times in my 2011:
Asking my lovely ladies to be my bridesmaids.
Having the perfect engagment party given by our lovely parents.
Going to Vegas for the best bachelorette party here & here. Best weekend ever!
Had the perfect bridal shower thrown by my lovely family! Michael Bolton was a hit!
Had a dreamy intimate bridal shower given by my maids! It was perfect. ♥
Registering was so.much.fun.
Sending out our save the date's with our date and location was so surreal!
Sending out our invitations!!!! best feeling ever!
cake tasting and finding the perfect little place to make our wedding cake.
My brother and sister-in-law are pregnant!!!
dance dance dance! Another LA Unbound show in the books! :)
Going on the worlds best honeymoon in Tahiti! Moorea and Bora Bora made all of our dreams come true. :)

I loved 2011 and am looking forward to another great year!
Hope you all had a happy, safe and sexy new year!
I cannot believe 2011 is over. O V E R! It flew by.
2011 was the best year of my life. I married my best friend! I have a husband! a Mr. a lifer!!! ♥
A few other amazing times in my 2011:
Asking my lovely ladies to be my bridesmaids.
Having the perfect engagment party given by our lovely parents.
Going to Vegas for the best bachelorette party here & here. Best weekend ever!
Had the perfect bridal shower thrown by my lovely family! Michael Bolton was a hit!
Had a dreamy intimate bridal shower given by my maids! It was perfect. ♥
Registering was so.much.fun.
Sending out our save the date's with our date and location was so surreal!
Sending out our invitations!!!! best feeling ever!
cake tasting and finding the perfect little place to make our wedding cake.
My brother and sister-in-law are pregnant!!!
dance dance dance! Another LA Unbound show in the books! :)
Going on the worlds best honeymoon in Tahiti! Moorea and Bora Bora made all of our dreams come true. :)

I loved 2011 and am looking forward to another great year!
Hope you all had a happy, safe and sexy new year!
what a great year! it went by so fast!!
Happy New Year!!! Wishing you and the Mr even more happiness and success in 2012!
My dear friend!
Have great friends and get married are the best thing in life! I can see you really are made for each other and even via blog I can see how happy you are... I'm always so happy to come here and check on your smiles quite often... I wish the best for you two Happy 2012!
I'm going to the site you recommend and what a sweet cat!
love from Brazil,
Before 2011 started, we promised each other that it would be the best year of our lives. Now that it's all over, I can honestly say that we made 2011 a year that will never be forgotten!
With how amazing of a year it was, I am so happy to begin 2012 with you as my wife! Like last year, more and more of our dreams will come true and many memories will be created! There's no other person in the world I'd rather enjoy this life with...you ready b?
Love you til the end...
Aw Congrats to a fabulous look back at 2011!! Such a perfect shot to capture the moment!
Thanks for visiting my blog love, Happy New Year and hope to see you back soon!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture
What a year!
Happy 2012, darling!
What an awesome 2011...wishing you many more moments in 2012!!
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